Highlight. Right Click. Synonym.
If you have read one of my previous posts, you have most likely gathered that I enjoy writing. One thing you may not know is that my joy for writing, is limited to the first draft. After I have written something, I tend to want to move on to the next thing. I do not like having to go back, read, and find my errors. For some reason, it is not as interesting as it was the first time I read it. It is safe to say that my first draft is usually pretty thorough and well done, so during peer review, people generally don't have much to say. This paper that we are working on right now, I got some pretty helpful reviews. The one thing that will never change though, is my love for the synonym tool on Microsoft Word. I generally don't use "mature words" and now that I am "mature" I need to use those words naturally. When I fail to do so, this button never fails me. This button can get you into trouble though, so if you plan to use it, I would make sure you know exactly what it means. Anyways, the synonym button is just one simple way to making a paper sound more mature while keeping your argument the same.
I am the same way i dont mind writing, that much. But what i cannot stand is revision once i have wrote it i want to be done with it not keep working and tweeking for weeks its just nnot up my ally haha
ReplyDeleteI feel the same! I have a really hard time using all those "big" words and tend to put them in awkward spots. Like you said the first draft for me is enough.. I'm usually pretty content with that. If I have to go back and read through it numerous times it ends up turing out bad and I'm usually changing my entire paper.
ReplyDeleteI had no clue there was a synonym button! I usually don't like to go back and revise what Ive already written either. Thanks for letting me know about this button on Microsoft Word, I will have to get it a shot sometime.
ReplyDeleteI'm the same way, when I finish a paper I usually edit and revise it while I'm typing it. It just gets boring going over the same paper over and over. Don't get me wrong I think it's great to do peer edits because that can really help the structure of your paper. WOW, I didn't know that there was a "synonym" button in Word. I'm gonna have to check that out.